Friday, January 27, 2006

Mills and Boon Man

It has occured to me that I talk a lot about my boy, but today, I just can't help it. Today I just want to shout from the roof tops!

Sometimes, he drives me up the wall. I wish he was one of those demostrative guys, the kind who do sweet things on a regular basis, or sends flowers. You know the type. TV boys. Mills and Boon men, if you will.

He's not.

When I ask him about it, he always says that he just doesn't have time for stuff like that, and flowers die anyway. (So few boys really understand the power of flowers. that's another blog altogether!)

Today, he had the day off. Yesterday was Australia day, a public holiday here. It was a Thursday this year (it's always the 26th of January) so for most of us, it was back to work today. Not for my boy - he managed to wangle a day off, and so has a 4 day weekend. I asked him last night, as we were eating out Thai take out (so so good) if he would please do the dishes. He said he'd do them for me today.

I got home from work, and boy, had he done them. Washed them. Put them away. cleaned my kitchen sink and benches. made my bed. tidied my bedroom a little. And, he took my car, got the air con gases filled up, and arranged for it to get a cut and polish this weekend. Is he good or what?!

Maybe I don't get flowers, but the next time I'm complaining about how he never does anything for me, please remind me of this post! Flowers, schmowers. I'm gonna have a shiny shiny car again!

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