Thursday, January 12, 2006

oops - long time no news

i just realised that it has been about a week since i posted. maybe more.

but then I realised that I don't think anyone actually reads my blog yet, so it doesn't actually matter!

I've been thinking a lot lately. No, really! Thinking about whether I really like my job. whether I like this town. whether my boy and I will stay together. whether i like my life.

not sure what the answers are, but heres what I've got so far.

my boy makes me happy, and I make him happy, so we'll just trust in the gods and see what happens.

and the rest... don't know. not even sure if I'm ready to say it all out loud yet.

decisions, decisions.

1 comment:

littledevilworks said...

Hi! Just found you through comments on my site. :) Delurking to say hi.