Wednesday, August 15, 2007

i miss my mummy and daddy

my parents are away, they've been gone for 2 months, and won't be back for 2 more, and i miss her.
and not just because there is a huge pile of washing in our laundry.
not just because it was inspection day today and we cleaned our own house. (that was actually really satisfying!)
not because i would like to have some help hanging some stuff around the house.

but because i have a couple of exciting, but huge decisions to make, and I miss them

i love being this age, because i have such a special relationship with them, and i respect their opinions, and they give such good advice, and I could use some reassurance (and maybe a free feed and dad's beer!) and its just not the same on the phone.

i'm excited that they are having fun, and that they aren't waiting to retire to do stuff because i would hate for them to get hit by a bus and miss out on that fun stuff.

but i miss them.

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